Our Classes

A foundational class. Ballet improves strength, balance, posture and all the basics needed for all other dance style. We offer an open style ballet class following a consistent class plan to insure dancers improvement.
Hip Hop

Hip Hop refers to street style dances. It is generally performed to Hip Hop music or music that has evolved as part of the Hip Hop culture.

Working with the music, dancers create different rhythms with their feet. Coordination, style and musicality are the key factors that are focused on in this style. The Al Gilbert graded system of dance is the basis of the classes we offer.

This style involves Gymnastics, Contortion and Tumbling. Along with flexibility, strength is worked on to ensure injury prevention and not overstretching. Dancers are pushed to their personal limits when it comes to flexibility and strength.
Musical Theatre

Combining singing, dancing and acting, this gives students the opportunity to dance to popular musical songs, expanding their imagination with acting improvisation. Students also work on singing to perform singing, dancing and acting live. A Jazz or Technique/Conditioning class is strongly recommended for dancers wanting to take this class.
Technique/ Conditioning

This class is designed to build strength and technique. Dancers will do a warm up and "across the floor" focusing on their technique training. Combinations will be learnt to put these techniques into place. This class is mandatory for competitive Jazz, Contemporary, Lyrical and Musical Theatre Dancers but is recommended for all dancers.
Contemporary/ Lyrical

A free moving form of dance. The basis of these styles are Ballet and Improvisation. Partner work and floor work are two key components to these styles. These classes are a way for dancers to explore their personal movement and explore their creative capabilities. A Ballet class is strongly recommended for dancers wanting to take this class

Usually performed to popular music. Jazz is an athletic dance style that is used in the T.V. industry. Jazz gives dancers a wider range of movement and vocabulary.