To ensure we provide a clear and consistent service at Dance Directions, we have the following policies in place. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Our main source of communication is email. Regular emails will be sent with monthly updates and any important information that may arise throughout the year. We can also be reached by telephone.
Our dance year runs progressively from September to June. All classes are based on a yearly, not monthly, program of development. Registration can be completed on-line, by visiting our front desk, or sending an email or phone call. There is a $30.00 non-refundable registration fee per dancer or $50.00 per family. If a class is full, you will automatically be put on our waitlist and we will help place your child in an alternate option. If a class is not at minimum capacity of four students by the third week of class start date, the class may be cancelled and refunded and the affected students will be placed into an alternate class. Registration closes February 1, as we begin preparations for our year-end recital.
Dance Directions accepts automated Visa/MasterCard payments, cash, cheque and eTransfers. All fees are to be paid by the scheduled due dates. There is a monthly $15 late fee applied to any fees not paid by the due date. Dance Directions does not give credit or refunds for classes missed due to holiday, vacation, illness, weather, pandemics or other events outside of the studio's control.
One month notice emailed to info@dancedirections.ca is required to withdraw from classes. Word of mouth or student absence will not to be considered as notification. All outstanding fees, including but not limited to costumes, competitions and private lessons, must be paid prior to withdrawal. Full payment is required for the month after withdrawal notification is received. Automated credit card payments will be cancelled once withdrawal is complete. Registration, costume, competition and recital fees are nonrefundable.
If Dance Directions cancels a class due to an emergency, such as teacher illness, the affected classes will be rescheduled. If the class cannot be rescheduled, a credit to your studio account will be applied. All classes are in session as usual during Pro-D Days and holidays unless stated otherwise on our calendar. Dance Directions does not give credit and/or refunds for classes missed due to holiday, vacation, illness, weather, pandemics etc.
Dancers are expected to attend all scheduled classes. Our programs are progressive, so any missed classes will result in the dancer being behind with class progression. Please inform our office of any expected absence by calling or emailing. There are no refunds for absences.
Please let our office know if anyone other than a parent/guardian will be picking your child up. Dancers are to be dropped off no earlier than ten minutes before class. Dancers are to be picked up no later than ten minutes after class. Dance Directions is not responsible for any children left unattended in between classes.
We have a closed door policy for all of our classrooms. This ensures an uninterrupted, manageable and positive learning environment for our students and teaching environment for our teachers. It also allows for a focused class and the ability to provide uninterrupted freedom to self express. Please do not open our classroom doors at any time. The occasional time teachers may invite you in to observe the last few minutes of class to showcase a routine they are working on. We will host an Observation Week once a year, allowing you to sit in class and see your child’s growth and accomplishments first hand.
Dance Directions strives to provide an inclusive, caring and respectful environment. Our dancers are expected to demonstrate the same qualities towards themselves and others. Any behaviour considered consistently unacceptable will result in the child being asked to leave the classroom. If negative behaviour continues into the next class, a private meeting will be set up outside of studio hours with the child's parent/guardian to plan a positive solution moving forward. Continual behaviour may result in expulsion.
If you have a concern or complaint regarding Dance Directions services, please let us know! We are always working at improving our services and your family’s experience. In order for us to ensure we are on the right path, it is important we know of anything that you may not be happy with so we can fix the problem quickly and positively.
Our dress code is in place to allow teachers to properly and safely apply corrections to students. It ensures students are safe. It also teaches dancers to be prepared and professional. No loose jewellery is to be worn during class for the safety of the dancer. All dancers are expected to wear their hair entirely off the face in a secure, tight bun or ponytail. Any dancer that does not follow the dress code may be asked to sit out during class and will also be sent home with a reminder slip.
Trials are for dancers who have never danced at Dance Directions previously. All trials must be completed within 7 days of the initial. Any trials after 7 days are subject to a $15+GST trial fee. Current students wanting to trial a new class are welcome to for a fee of $15+GST.